Academy 2021 COVID-19 Policies
ASHRM Academy 2021 Code of Conduct
By registering, participants agree to follow COVID-19 safety protocols throughout the ASHRM Academy event. Protocols may include but are not limited to completing a health screening questionnaire via a third party, wearing a mask at all times with the exception if you are actively eating or drinking, keeping a 6 feet physical distance from other attendees, frequent hand sanitization. ASHRM reserves the right to cancel the registration for those who refuse to follow identified protocols.
In an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19, we do ask you to not attend the in-person events if you are not feeling well; have had close contact with an individual infected with COVID-19 in the last 14 days; or are currently experiencing fever, cough, shortness of breath or other signs of illness.
COVID-19 Safety Protocols
ASHRM’s top priority is to keep you safe while you pursue your professional education. ASHRM Academy’s COVID-19 safety protocols follow recommendations from the CDC and prominent public health authorities and have been developed in collaboration with The Whitley, following the HEI Hotels + Resorts COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. View ASHRM Academy COVID-19 Onsite Playbook
These measures are intended to ensure ASHRM Academy attendees have a safe and productive learning experience:
- Program adjustments to accommodate social distancing, including a shift to virtual programs and strict classroom capacities for programs that require in-person interaction
- Classrooms have been reconfigured to ensure at least six feet of physical distance between attendees
- Attendees, faculty and staff will be required to wear masks at all times unless presenting in front of a classroom or during meal/snack breaks
- Scattered breaks and modified traffic flows to eliminate any unnecessary contact
- Hand sanitizer offered in each classroom and throughout the hotel property
- Frequent cleaning in high traffic areas and during breaks
- Attendee learning materials provided in contactless digital format
Food and beverage modifications – banquet food will be individually wrapped and either delivered to seats or selected in well-ordered and space queues.