We want to engage you and your team to shape behavioral health services* in America. Section membership is diverse and strong with executives from general hospitals, regional and national health systems, and freestanding psychiatric and addiction hospitals.
Get Involved. Through AHA’s Section for Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Services, you can shape the future of access, coverage and delivery of behavioral health.
Engagement Opportunities:
- Learn With and From Your Peers & Leaders | Join in strategic dialogues anchored by experts sharing best practices.
- Become a Thought Leader | Keep up with the latest resources, innovations, and movement in Washington, D.C., through Section and AHA Communications.
- Shape National Health Policy | AHA looks to Section members for their expertise and guidance as we respond to proposed legislation and regulations. We welcome hearing your voice informally on an ad hoc basis, or formally through an advisory or affinity group, a council, committee, or board.
- Offer Knowledge Exchange | Share the innovative work of your organization with the field, through podcasts, written interviews, Hill testimony, webinars, or strategic dialogues.
See below to read more on related topics.
* Behavioral health is used to include both psychiatric and substance use disorders. Persons with behavioral health needs may suffer from either or both.