ASHRM Chapter Events

Calendar of events hosted by chapters and partner organizations

Submit your chapter's events to be featured here.





Event Schedule


  • June

    A Career in Risk Management

    Host: The Association for Healthcare Risk Management of New York, Inc.

    Date: June 21, 2024 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. EST

    Location: Virtual

    Fees: Free

    In celebration of Healthcare Risk Management Week, AHRMNY invites you to our FREE Lunch & Learn Webinar. This popular lunchtime webinar will feature three leaders who will discuss their paths to becoming risk management professionals.

    Register Now


  • June

    Could Scandal Be Lurking? The Aberrant Provider at Your Facility

    Host: Kathryn Biasotti, BSN, CPHRM, MBA, LNCC, Principal at KB Consulting

    Date: June 28, 2024 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. MDT

    Location: Online Webinar

    Fees: $0 for AzSHRM members; $20 for non-members of AzSHRM

    This presentation will provide valuable insights into obtaining a better sense of earlier detection of substance abuse, personality changes, irregular behaviors, addictions, and providers with “God Complex” through real-life cases.

    Register Now


  • July

    Employers, Are You in a Haze About Arizona’s Marijuana Laws?

    Host: Attorney Alan M. Bayless Feldman

    Date: July 26, 2024 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. MDT

    Location: Online Webinar

    Fees: $0 for AzSHRM members; $20 for non-members of AzSHRM

    This presentation will educate employers on Arizona’s Marijuana laws, provide legal update on medical and recreational laws, the impact of drug testing on the workplace and best practices for employer concerns.

    Register Now