
FASHRM Designation

Fellow of the American Society for Health Care Risk Management | for outstanding achievement 

Qualification and application information for the FASHRM designation, recognizing outstanding achievements and contributions to the health care risk profession.

View Current Designees


FASHRM (Fellow) Requirements

Please review this list of requisites before submitting your application.

  • A minimum of 5 of the last 7 years prior to the year you apply.

  • Academic/Professional Degrees:

    • BA, BS
    • DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)
    • Ed.M.
    • JD
    • MBA, MHA, MPH, MPA
    • MD
    • MHSA, MN
    • MS/MA
    • Ph.D.
    • Master of Jurisprudence

    Certifications & Programs:

    • AHRMQR
    • AIC, ALCM, ARM, AU
    • Barton Certificate in Health Care Risk Management
    • Florida Risk Management Institute course
    • HRM Modules
    • Healthcare Risk Management Certificate (MMI)
    • LPN, RN
    • Registered Professional Liability Underwriter (RPLU)
    • RMHC 351 (Insurance Institute of America)
    • TEACH program (Virginia Insurance Reciprocal)
    • The Health Care Risk Management Certificate (New England Healthcare Assembly)

    Health Care Technicians/Technologists:

    • (Certified, licensed, or registered).

  • Continuing Education Criteria

    Qualifying Categories: Clinical/Patient Safety, Claims & Litigation, Legal & Regulatory, Risk Financing, Health Care Operations (includes Enterprise Risk Management)


    Submit certificates showing: Program name, date, contact hours, and content code.

    Content Category Table

    Content Categories
    Content Category Code
    Clinical/Patient Safety 1
    Claims & Litigation 2
    Legal & Regulatory 3
    Risk Financing 4
    Health Care Operations* 5

    1 contact hour = 60 minutes.

    Conversion examples: 1 semester credit = 15 hours, 1 CEU = 10 hours.

  • Employment Experience Criteria

    Documentation Required:

    • Current job description (signed by your supervisor).
    • Two reference letters from professionals familiar with employment history.
    • Summary of experience showing growth in responsibility, either in a resume or CV.

  • See specific requirements for Leadership, Publishing and Lecturing below.

  • Leadership Requirements:

    Applicant must provide at least two examples of risk management-related leadership positions totaling at least four years of service that are not a matter of routine job responsibilities, not held concurrently and that are each at least one year in duration.

    Leadership positions must have been completed within 10 years of application. The application must include:

    • Dates of service
    • Activities performed
    • Written verification of title and leadership position held provided by the organizations cited

    The following are not considered leadership activities that qualify:

    • Committee member
    • Faculty member
    • Writer
    • Speaker
    • Leadership roles related to employment
    • Leadership in non-health care organizations

    Multi-year board terms count as a single position. Offices of president-elect and immediate past president are not counted as separate positions but are considered part of the office of president. Other examples include: four leadership positions, each one year in duration; two separate positions, each two years each in duration; and one position held for three years and one for one year.

    Eligible Leadership Roles:

    • ASHRM roles: Board member, President, Committee chair, Faculty lead.
    • ASHRM Chapter roles: Chapter Officer, Board member, Committee chair.
    • Health care organization roles: Officer, Board member, Committee chair.

  • Publishing Requirements:

    Publish scholarly articles related to risk management, peer-reviewed with citations.

    Two Options:

    • Author/co-author of a book chapter.
    • Author of at least 2 original articles in journals with over 1,000 readers, where you are the primary author of at least 1 article.

    Articles published as a matter of routine job responsibility will not be accepted. All material submitted must also:

    • Be published within five years prior to the date the applicant is applying for recognition;
    • Be related to the field of risk management (cite Content Category Code listed above in continuing Education Criteria section); and
    • Bear the publication’s name and date of publication.

    Many ASHRM publications including: The ASHRM Journal, White Papers, playbooks, book chapters and articles written for the ASHRM forum will qualify, however the qualifications above must be met.

  • Lecturing Requirements:

    • Provide 2 examples of lecturing or teaching in risk management within the last 5 years.
    • At least one presentation must be at the national or state level and include continuing education credits.

    Examples of acceptable activities in this category include:

    • ASHRM Annual Conference
    • ASHRM Webinar
    • ASHRM Faculty
    • ASHRM Online education*
    • Chapter annual conferences or other education
    • University education
    • Presentations at hospitals or other health care societies

    *Online education submissions will be reviewed upon submission. ASHRM will notify the applicant if the education meets criteria.

Designation Process and Advancement

  1. The ASHRM Board reviews completed applications for FASHRM.
  2. Incomplete applications will prompt a request for further documentation.
  3.  Approved applicants are notified by ASHRM’s Executive Director, and unsuccessful applicants will be informed of improvement areas.
  4. Successful applicants receive plaques, with designations announced at the annual conference and published in ASHRM publications.

Q: When and how will I be notified that my application has been accepted?
A: Applications are reviewed at the regularly scheduled board meetings throughout the year. Candidates will be notified via email.

FASHRM Application Fees

  • First-time applicant: $100
  • Reapplication: $50

Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Unsuccessful applicants who reapply within 12 months are exempt from the reapplication fee. Payment instructions will be provided by email after submitting the application.


Apply for the FASHRM Designation

If you meet the criteria for the FASHRM designation, you're ready to apply!  

Submit Your Application



For more information, please contact ASHRM at (312) 422-3980 or ashrm@aha.org.