New White Paper Now Available: Recognizing and Managing Bias in the Ambulatory Health Care/Outpatient Setting
The ASHRM Diversity White Paper series uses real-world scenarios to illustrate common biases present in health care settings. Health care risk managers are uniquely positioned to implement strategies and best practices at their health care organizations. Proactive educational measures paired with monitoring tactics such as identification, assessment, and mitigation can improve patient safety and increase positive patient outcomes.
Part 1 in the series, “Recognizing and Managing Bias in the Ambulatory Health Care/Outpatient Setting,”focuses on how implicit and unconscious bias can act as barriers to care and result in negative patient outcomes in the ambulatory and outpatient settings. It dissects real-world scenarios in these settings and how different biases can impact patient care and retention.
This new resource is now available for ASHRM members and nonmembers.