Toolkits for Risk Management Professionals
Utilize these toolkits, resources and other reference materials to address and improve health care risk management challenges at your organization.
The ARC toolkit was developed by 2012 ASHRM Research Grant Recipient, Alan Card, PhD, MPH, CPH, CPHQ.
With the adoption of risk assessment tools like root cause analysis (RCA) and failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), health care organizations have become much more effective at diagnosing the systems failures that lead to adverse outcomes.
Hospitals and health care providers must prepare for all types of emergency situations. These threats include natural events such as extreme weather events and large scale infection outbreaks, in addition to manmade threats such as terrorism and mass shootings.
ASHRM offers these resources to help hospitals develop emergency preparedness plans, policies and procedures.
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) provides a framework for achieving safe, reliable health care, and is a key ASHRM initiative in its mission to promote safe and trusted health care.
This tool will assist the care provider in providing key communication elements to assist in safe transfer of these patients.
Effective communication between the care provider and a patient is an essential step in building an open, shared decision-making and trusted relationship. Communication is one key to the delivery of high-quality outcomes and patient satisfaction scores. Customize the tool to your service line areas, population of patients served and identified patient needs.
ASHRM continues to advance patient safety, reduce uncertainty and maximize value through management of risk across the health care enterprise. This is a portal to relevant and useful patient safety programs, tools and information.
The aim of USP <800> is to protect health care workers and patients from harm associated with exposure to hazardous drugs (HDs). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), eight million health care workers are potentially exposed to HDs every year. This exposure can occur with workers who are unaware of their exposure and in departments outside of the pharmacy.
Violence in the workplace continues to be an area that risk managers need to be proactively preparing their institutions to prevent. At the same time, the risk manager needs to know what to do in the event they are faced with an immediate situation. This toolkit is designed to assist with both.