Participate in the 2021-2022 Aon/ASHRM Hospital and Physician Liability Benchmark Report
Data Submissions Needed - Email by May 31 to Participate
ASHRM and Aon release the findings of the Aon/ASHRM Hospital and Physician Professional Liability Benchmark Report every October. The report provides self-insured health care organizations with research and data regarding the costs of retaining professional liability risk.
Aon and ASHRM are proud to note that this research initiative is unique in its audience and message - Aon collects information directly from health care organizations in an effort to report results of interest to participating organizations.
There are generally two parts to the data submission process. First, all participants must complete the participant survey. Secondly, participants must send claim and exposure data to the benchmark team. In cases where Aon has access to this data for other purposes, participants can simply complete the participation survey only.
There is no charge for participation and in return for participation you receive a free copy of the published national benchmark report.
If you are interested in participating in this report, or have any questions or comments please email