2024 ASHRM Awards

NEW! ASHRM Rising Star Award


The ASHRM Rising Star Award recognizes emerging leaders whose accomplishments reflect meaningful contribution to the health care risk management profession. Their track-record should reflect leadership, potential for advancement and a solid commitment to the profession. The individual should be striving for excellence in their risk management career, and their track-record should reflect a strong career trajectory.



Eligibility Requirements: 

ASHRM members can apply for this award.

  • Candidates must be an early- to mid-stage risk professional (“Early- to mid-stage” could be anywhere from 3 to 10 years in the profession, though there may be exceptions to this general rule; for instance, a candidate may have come to risk management after being in a different profession).
  • Candidates must have demonstrated extraordinary achievements and have made noteworthy contributions to their organizations and to the profession.

Selection Criteria:

  • Applicants role and the resulting positive outcomes in projects, activities, or initiatives that demonstrate exceptional early and ongoing achievement.
  • Evidence that the contributions of the applicant are having a positive impact on their organization and/or the profession as a whole.
  • Confirmation that the applicants portfolio of work and resulting successes display increasing levels of responsibility, both internal and external to the institution.

What Do the Recipients Get?

  • One complimentary registration to ASHRM's annual conference 
  • Crystal Award
  • Member spotlight on the ASHRM website and in ASHRM social media