Webinars hosted by the American Hospital Association and its business units.
This webinar will help risk managers train clinicians on informed consent as a process of communication and shared decision-making-- not just a document.
This webinar-based self-study identifies similarities and differences between physician practice and risk management and hospital risk management.
Throughout this prerecorded webinar, you will learn more about how the new science of emotional connection provides key concepts for being an effective leader and creating engaging, effective, and performing teams.
Are you new to health care risk management, growing in your role or looking to succession planning? We all start at the same point – seeking out the information you need to perform your job and unsure where to start and what questions to ask.
Statistics can be deceiving, including regional and national data. health care organizations are historically weak in aggression data collection and, for some settings, data are non-existent. Because risk managers typically only see data related to staff/patient injury, internal data may deem the…