AHA comments on the guidance modifying the regulations governing waivers under Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act.
Throughout the year, the AHA comments on a vast number of proposed and interim final rules put forth by the federal regulatory agencies. In addition, AHA communicates with federal legislators to convey the hospital field's position on potential legislative changes that would impact patients and patient care. Below are the most recent letters from the AHA to these bodies.
AHA expresses concerns about the recent Department of Health and Human Services OIG audit report.
The AHA voiced support for a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ proposal to require drug pricing transparency in direct-to-consumer television advertisements and encouraged the agency to
The Federal Trade Commission’s approach to reviewing hospital mergers “is overbroad, does not properly cred
AHA letter to Speaker Ryan and Minority Leader Pelosi expressing strong support for House passage of H.R.1318, the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act.
AHA comments on the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics’ draft recommendations for the predictability roadmap.
AHA comments on the Department of Homeland Security’s proposed rule that could limit legal immigrants’ future immigration status based on their receipt of public benefits.
AHA comments on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) methodology for the Department of Health and Human Services-operated permanent risk adjustment program for the 2018 benefit year.
AHA encourages Congressional leaders to pass the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness & Advancing Innovation Act (PAHPAI, S. 2852 & H.R. 6378) before Congress adjourns for 2018.
AHA today urged the United States Pharmacopeial Convention to delay by at least 18 months the effective dates for its general chapter pharmaceutical compounding and general chapter hazardous drug handling in health care settings, as well as proposed revisions to general chapter .