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ASHRM Celebrates National Patient Safety Awareness Week, March 9-15


The American Society for Health Care Risk Management recognizes National Patient Safety Awareness Week and the role in which patient safety professionals contribute to ASHRM’s mission of advancing patient safety, reducing uncertainty and maximizing value.

Patient Safety Education



    Patient Safety Certificate Program at ASHRM Express 2025

    Chicago, IL

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Celebrate with Themed Gifts

Patient Safety Awareness Week gifts are an easy way to celebrate with your team and raise awareness of patient safety in health care. These new gifts are now available to order.



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Journal of Health Care Risk Management

Patient Safety Week Virtual Issue

The Journal of Health Care Risk Management presents its Patient Safety Week Virtual Issue, highlighting critical research and insights that drive a culture of safety in health care. This special issue explores key factors influencing patient safety, from leadership behaviors that foster a strong safety culture to the impact of hospital mergers and acquisitions on risk management. Together, these studies provide valuable perspectives on enhancing patient safety and reducing risk across health care settings.

Featured articles include:

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Live Webinar Topics

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