American Hospital Association toolkits and methodologies for members and the health care field.
Read the research-based recommendations to advance accurate patient identification.
A two-page document that quickly outlines the framework for ERM, including guiding principles and domains.
Assess the readiness of your organization to implement ERM practices or the maturity of ERM initiatives already initiated.
This reference explains the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach, the framework, the benefits and value of ERM.
Use this procedural/surgical safety gap analysis to compare your current performance with desired, expected performance.
Enter your information below to get started: MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "710-ZLL-651", 2340);
This tool assists the care provider in ensuring adequate handoff communication to assist in safe transfer of patients to higher acuity care.
This American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) monograph discusses the physical environment provisions of USP <800> and is primarily intended for the use of health care facility managers.
Provide the tool to new patients or as they are preparing for a follow up or next scheduled outpatient visit.
This is a portal to relevant and useful patient safety programs, tools, and information.