Clinical/Patient Safety ERM Domain
This tool assists the care provider in ensuring adequate handoff communication to assist in safe transfer of patients to higher acuity care.
An overview of Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), relevant regulations and Conditions of Participation (CoPs), and practical tips for health care risk professionals.
Learn the key elements of an emergency management program for clinical services and clinical processes for maintaining services in an emergency.
Boston Medical's unique peer review model so other organizations may realize similar reductions in unanticipated perinatal outcomes.
Concepts and strategies for risk management professionals and practitioners caring for pregnant women.
The leading root cause analysis tools in one place, and instructions on the essential steps for responding to sentinel events.
Gain the knowledge to promote an enterprise risk management program that enhances patient safety and demonstrates added value.
The ASHRM CPHRM Exam Preparation Guide ePub/eBook, 7th Edition, includes 110 Practice Exam Questions. It will help you prepare for the Certified Professional in Health Care Risk Management Certification Exam.
Identify and examine liability exposures and regulatory/legal requirements related to opioid prescribing.
Learn to identify patient safety events involving patients who are obese and learn strategies to ensure the safe care of this patient population.