Certificate Programs
Understand the basics of risk financing and tie clinical efforts directly to their financial ramifications.
Review patient safety concepts and learn to effectively apply them to support improved patient care and outcomes in your organization.
Use your risk management skills to engage stakeholders in creating and protecting organizational value.
The HRM Certificate Program, a cornerstone of ASHRM’s professional development opportunities, covers key aspects of risk management while providing valuable continuing education credits. Leading…
Enrich your practical risk management skills using complex subject matter. The HRM Certificate Program, a cornerstone of ASHRM’s professional development opportunities, covers key aspects of risk management while providing valuable continuing education credits. Leading experts, professional…
Enhance your foundational knowledge and practical skills necessary to support a successful health care risk management (HRM) program.
The HRM Certificate Program, a cornerstone of ASHRM’s professional development opportunities, covers key aspects of risk management while providing valuable…
This interactive risk management training program helps you understand and advance enterprise risk management at your organization.
Health care risk managers are a diverse group of professionals who help ensure safe and trusted health care delivery. They serve in various roles across the country, with job descriptions unique to their organizations.
Recommended for risk professionals with less than 5 years, this 3-part course prepares individuals for their role by covering various aspects of risk management within health care.
ASHRM has identified the following resources on patient safety to assist you in identifying useful information and helpful contacts.