AHA Stat Blog


Every day, we see stories about the exorbitant costs of prescription drugs and the serious challenges they pose for individuals and the entire health care system.
As the nation debates changes to the Affordable Care Act, it’s worth noting what’s been gained with the expansion of health care coverage to more than 20 million Americans.
For 34 years, the Hospital Awards for Volunteer Excellence (HAVE) have honored exceptional volunteer efforts that provide distinguished service to h
When Congress returns next week, Republican leaders intend on advancing legislation repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act – legislation which would currently include the possible redesign
“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.”– Martin Luther King Jr.
The AHA Committee on Performance Improvement’s new report explores key components of workforce. It is intended to foster a national conversation about why the alignment between workforce planning and development and operations is critically needed now. Changing care delivery models, changing payment models, increasing numbers of people accessing care, an aging population, aging caregivers and more patients presenting with comorbidities – all require us to focus on the workforce of today and tomorrow.
While Congress passed a budget resolution last month “unlocking” the reconciliation process to repeal and replace or repair the Affordable Care Act, the January 27 deadline for the committees of ju
Hospitals and health systems are on a journey that promises to take them to a place where they can improve the lives of thousands of people all at once, not just the health of one patient at a time … where their success in addressing the social determinants of health within the communities they serve will be as important as the high-quality medical care they provide within their four walls. It’s a journey described in the AHA Committee on Research’s new report, “The Next Generation of Community Health.”
One of the best parts of my job is getting to travel the country and meet the women and men who are leading the way in redefining the “H” and transforming health care.
With the AHA as a founding member, the Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care began almost 17 years ago as a major communications initiative of hospitals, national, state, regional and metropol
What are vulnerable communities?
In the second week of the Trump Administration, and the second month of the 115th Congress, health care issues have taken center stage like never before: repeal and replace (or repair) of the Affor
Hospitals’ contribution to their communities extends far beyond their role as health care cornerstones.
As a steward of its community’s health, North Philadelphia’s Temple University Hospital knows it is uniquely positioned to address the public health crisis posed by gun violence.
Rapid change in the health care field has led hospital leaders to search for new ways to reduce costs, increase the quality of care, and preserve access to care, so they can continue to meet their
Rural hospitals are their community’s anchor.
Inauguration Day ushers in a new era of change in Washington.
Ken Fawcett, M.D., Spectrum Health’s vice president of Healthier Communities in Grand Rapids, Mich., knows what it takes to build healthier communities.
This Monday, we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day—a day in honor of a man who roused the conscience of a nation. When Dr.