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Health Care Risk Management Fundamentals

Member: $249.00
Non-Member: $299.00


ASHRM foundational textbook covers the essentials of health care risk management, with chapters on patient safety, risk financing, the legal & regulatory environment and more.

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Playbook Description

ASHRM Health Care Risk Management Fundamentals: The essential resource for risk management, patient safety, insurance, legal, financial and other related professions in health care

ASHRM Health Care Risk Management Fundamentals is a gateway resource for new and seasoned health care risk management professionals. It will help readers understand the fundamentals of risk management and Enterprise Risk Management and provide insight into the risks associated with all of the moving parts of a health care organization.

This text utilizes the ERM model to illuminate the fundamental domains of health care risk management including Clinical Risk Management and Patient Safety, the Legal and Regulatory Environment, Claims and Litigation and Risk Financing.

Product Code178164
CategoryRisk Management

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