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Patient Safety in the Clinical Setting


Member: $69.00
Non-Member: $129.00

CE Credit: 3.0

Domain: Clinical Patient Safety

Level: Foundational (F)

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This eLearning program aims to assist risk managers in influencing processes, culture, and relationships essential to their organization’s patient safety strategy.

This eLearning program aims to assist you, the risk manager, to be better able to influence the process, culture, and relationships essential to your organization’s patient safety strategy. As a risk manager, you are inherently influential in your organization, and as such, your role comes with the responsibility to identify solutions to increase patient safety.

During the program, you will analyze different obstacles to a sound patient safety culture. Those include weak relationships between staff, a lack of clinical processes, a competition of priorities with staff, and fears that individuals struggle to overcome in their relationships with each other and you. Once you identify those barriers, you will examine common workplace scenarios you or your team may encounter. You will then apply strategies to ensure clinical staff responds appropriately to them, all along the way receiving feedback from our team of risk management experts.

The subject matter is intended for organizations who already believe in the value of patient safety culture, and doing the sometimes hard work to make it take hold and persist.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify barriers that cause patient safety events to not be acted upon.
  • Educate staff on common patient safety events within your organization.
  • Apply strategies to ensure staff in clinical settings will respond correctly to patient safety events.


Product Code322008OD22
ASHRM CE Credits3.0
CNE Credits3.0
DomainClinical Patient Safety
Level - Foundational (F), Practitioner (P), Advanced (A)Foundational (F)
Publication Date2/23/22
Next Review7/1/24
Credit Expires7/1/25

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