Health Care Facility Workplace Violence Risk Assessment Toolkit

Now Available for ASHRM Members and Nonmembers

Violence in the workplace continues to be an area that risk managers need to be proactively preparing their institutions to prevent. At the same time, the risk manager needs to know what to do in the event they are faced with an immediate situation. This toolkit is designed to assist with both.

ASHRM’s risk assessment looks at the following proactive and reactive areas:

  • Patient-to-Staff Violence: proactive prevention, reactive response
  • Visitor/Family-to-Staff Violence: proactive prevention, reactive response
  • Staff-to-Staff Violence/Harassment: proactive prevention, reactive response
  • Physician/Third-Party-Professional-to-Staff Violence/Harassment: proactive prevention, reactive response
  • Stranger/Nonemployee-to-Staff Violence: proactive prevention


What's Inside:

  • Readiness Survey for Leadership
  • Proactive Prevention Checklist
  • Reactive Response to Event Checklist


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