On-Demand Educational Webinars

This session instructs experienced risk professionals on ways they can stay ahead of the hardening insurance market by examining how excess pricing is determined and teaching them about the use of alternative program structures to mitigate the increased cost.
This webinar discusses Boston Medical's unique peer review model so other organizations may realize similar reductions in unanticipated perinatal outcomes.
In this webinar, we identify the key elements of an emergency management program for clinical services and clinical processes for maintaining services in an emergency.
This on-demand webinar looks at the challenges of front line care during a CSOS status, including reviewing how to prepare for new risks that may arise as resources become more scarce.
Crisis Standards of Care and preparation for public health emergencies require preemptive preparation and there is a lot of practical information being shared during this presentation.
This webinar discusses how a physician's behavior can create patient safety concerns and how the risk manager can influence its culture of safety and employee morale.
Our expert faculty reviews evidence-based strategies to improve infection control practices and eliminate reprocessing errors commonly observed in clinical practice.
This session highlights tips for a successful virtual meeting when emotions may run high, featuring a unique case study at the University of Michigan.
This webinar is a panel discussion that outlines why efficiency matters in your MedMal claims process and how your organization can benefit by embracing an early resolution ethos.
Building on Part 1 and 2, this webinar looks at the next steps in defending cases that arise during the pandemic.